NH_SEND_RCV is the time allowed to send or receive a packet once the session is established. NH_SESSION is the time allowed to establish a session. NH_SERVER_ADDR = replace xxx by the server ip address value This will already tell if we can connect to port 475 through the network.Ī- Modify your « nethasp.ini » at the client side and copy the file in both \system 32 and in the application folder (where is located the protected executable).
Then same test on the WAN (different subnets)
#Mastercam dongle not working windows
PS: On both client/server Win7 machine, you need first to go in “Control Panel” -> “Programs and features” and “Turn Windows features on or off” select “telnet client” and “telnet server”. replace xxx by the server ip address value Try on the LAN (same subnet) from a client machine, in a CMD windows. Lost and to not reach the server machine. (between VLAN) or on the firewall of Server machine. Is too short and the request does timeout before the server reply.ģ) The port UDP 475 is not opened on the switch Machine or broadcast is used to found the server and your server is on aĢ) The timing to find the server on the network & TCP, so make sure these port are not blocked.ġ) The “nethasp.ini” is not found on the client
#Mastercam dongle not working license
Note that the "HASP License Manager" is using port 475 UDP Note that it is normal that you HASP NET keys is not shown in theĪladdin Monitor, as on new setup, the key is only displayed after License Manager" component for several years now.Īs you can see in « readme_nhsrvice_HASP_LicenceManager.pdf» last supportedĬheck that the service nhsrvice.exe is up and running, and check if it can be seen in Please note that we stopped developing & supporting the "HASP